When you look up synonyms for reverse, a thesaurus will give you: backward, invert, upside down, turn inside out, swap, switch, veto, and over ride. But none of them mean the exact same.
I am experiencing reverse culture shock, but it isn't completely reverse because this isn't my home culture either. To make matters more complicated I am in a multicultural home and all 25 of us are experiencing the same thing.
Over all it is splendid to be reunited with my lovely friends, to have a closet, and feel at home. However, when I am alone I feel quite restless. This morning I awoke to two sick and sleeping roommates. I wanted to shower and get dressed but I couldn't choose from my closet, I wanted to pull my dirty clothes from outreach out of the hamper. I wanted the all too familiar jeans that I had worn nearly everyday on outreach because I no longer had the capacity to choose. Then I got super sad over this and stood, just standing, looking, into a closet full of clothing. Then I stared at Katie, willing her to wake up so she could instruct me on what to wear. This didn't work and by then I was incredibly confused and frustrated at being "such a girl" and have problems with a simple task that I got back into bed.
Another time today, I felt so out of place, I wanted to run away but I couldn't think of a single place I desired to go. So my cure was to watch a tv show on the internet for some free entertainment and a way to get my mind to stop.
I was feeling weird earlier so I talked with my friends and hung out, we are sharing our experiences and so confused about what was good and what was hard. Today was up and down and all around, it was suggested by Jostein that I write about is, so here it is, maybe you can make sense of the jabber.
hadet bra.