I didn't really do much except reunite with my music, art, and dancer friends, that I was missing.
I also went to the post office, bought some stamps, and am beginning to reply to some of the letters I have gotten. 'bout time!
I am currently struggling to write my journal about mini outreach...
I had a rough week, but God still taught me things about my self and himself.

Alida is where a pair of firework glasses... Cher got a box from her grandma and among many many many other things (it was like a Mary Poppins' bag except a box! things just kept coming out of it!) there were 10 pair of these glasses which make light in to a little rainbow of color. Okay that was a bad description but I got nothing else.
Anyways, that entertained most of us at the bases for quite some time!
good day! and it isn't over. :)
I LOVE Mary Poppin's bag!!!! What a cool grandma for sending a Mary Poppin's box! Alida is a lucky girl! Looks like you all had a great time with her surprises! Hugs!