Monday, November 15, 2010

monday off.

So we got back from Mini Outreach last night, therefore we had today off!
I didn't really do much except reunite with my music, art, and dancer friends, that I was missing.
I also went to the post office, bought some stamps, and am beginning to reply to some of the letters I have gotten. 'bout time!
I am currently struggling to write my journal about mini outreach...
I had a rough week, but God still taught me things about my self and himself.

This is a really really really bad picture of the view out the main room's window. It was sunny today, making my splendid little walk to the post office with Cher and Ingrid pretty slippery.

Alida is where a pair of firework glasses... Cher got a box from her grandma and among many many many other things (it was like a Mary Poppins' bag except a box! things just kept coming out of it!) there were 10 pair of these glasses which make light in to a little rainbow of color. Okay that was a bad description but I got nothing else.
Anyways, that entertained most of us at the bases for quite some time!

good day! and it isn't over. :)
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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Mary Poppin's bag!!!! What a cool grandma for sending a Mary Poppin's box! Alida is a lucky girl! Looks like you all had a great time with her surprises! Hugs!
