Monday, November 15, 2010

heart beat.

At the beginning of the DTS, we made a title page for our DTS. Mine was called Heart Beat. Call me cheesy! I know! But I really wanted this year to be one where my heart was so in tune with God that my heart would be beating the same rhythm. Now I am not there and don't know if I can be in this life but if I am striving after something, I will have to be getting closer.
I once heard about an old lady who prayed a simple prayer every morning. She said "Father, make me as holy as a forgiven sinner can be." That prayer, is the most beautiful prayer. That is what I want, that my actions and words would be love.
The song 'Garden' by needtobreath says "Let the words I say confess my love. Father, let my heart be after you."
Love is a little word that means so much to everyone, it is either tainted or highlighted by life. But God he IS love.
The thought of a holy romance keeps intruding my thoughts, I don't even understand what that is. At first I was critical of the phrase thinking it was another cliche' religious phrase that single people used... but now I think it sounds pretty good, being "in love" with Jesus.
hmmm. as my favorite character would say "tink tink tink".

mucho loves.
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1 comment:

  1. Have you read "The Sacred Romance" by John Eldredge? Being in love with Jesus, and realizing He's in love with you....there's nothing like it, Sadie. xoxoxo
