Tuesday, February 28, 2012
assuming only makes an...
Guilt can have no part in a relationship. The inflicted cannot give their whole self, leaving the other in confusion. What is worse is when there is no reason for the infliction because it is self imposed on assumptions.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hi friends,
I found this girl on soundcloud. I really like this song and a couple others, so I thought we could give her some listens. Enjoy.
Bitter by Brittany Mitchell I found this girl on soundcloud. I really like this song and a couple others, so I thought we could give her some listens. Enjoy.
some things with links
1. My dear friend Aubrey, who happens to be a graphic designer, is offering her art as a gift to help with funds for Japan. So if you buy one of her prints from etsy, you will be helping me.
2. This is a pretty cool article on lent and sacrifice.
3. This conference is happening in Portland, I can't go but this promo video makes me wish I could. (Put it in full screen cause these are beautiful shots!)
5. Mac wins, you can know by design.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
100 of me
Have you ever met someone and immediately told they tell you, "You reminded you of my cousin/friend/coworker/movie star!!!" ? This happens to me all the time (except the movie star part), so the other day when I was stammering for a response other than "Oh! Cool!" I was thinking, "There has got to be one hundred of me!" And sometimes I think I am so original! As an artist, that is constantly what I am trying to obtain, originality, but when it comes down to it, most things are special in there own little way but largely comparable.
So here is my little creative spin on it.
Prideful me.
You stole from me,
What was not mine.
Why would I care?
I have no right.
Truth hid its head,
Had been replaced.
Look where I am,
Oh, filthy waste!
Oh! Grasping Greed,
Be gone, be gone!
Oh! Prideful me,
Be Gone, be gone!
Oh my jealous eye,
I let my pride rise,
Selfish soul when will you rest?
Selfish soul when will you rest?
This tree is strong,
Roots running deep.
Want to let go,
Can I be free?
Branches extend,
Far out from me.
Intruding life,
Please let me be.
Oh my jealous eye,
I let my pride rise,
Selfish soul when will you rest?
Selfish soul when will you rest?
a Blomsten song.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I have a zillion notebooks.
As a little girl I was obsessed with notebooks, I had a one or two for every activity I have done; music lessons, summer camp, running journal, flight hours, plus journaling for every stage of life and school notebooks. There was also just pretty notepads that I bought or was given, with so much paper readily available I never managed to fill these completely full with words or pictures so many went to waste. I have kept some of these over the years, mostly journals, and now as I pack up my room I have found 17 that I want to keep.
They start with my first diary, one with a lock and a key. I begged my mama to buy it for me even though I couldn't yet write. I got it as a reward! The first inscription is written by my mother as if she were me.
August 6th, 1997
I had such good self-control that my mom gave me this diary for a surprise. yippee!
Then underneath in big, uneven letters I wrote: I love you with a heart.
The next pages include hearts, scribbles, fake cursive, and letters from my sister. The rest of the 200 pages are pretty much blank except for a few pages with random words that I was learning to spell. But the best part is there are about 10 pages where I actually wrote something. My personal favorite is this.
Monday, 4-24-00
Nicky & Ramsey are the wirst babbie stirs.
That says "worst baby sitters."
Now I shall go back to boxing things up.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
we be acting like we fly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I bought my ticket.
I don't have my full support yet but I purchased a one way ticket to Tokyo, Japan with a short stop in the conveniently located islands of Hawaii. Right now I am fretting about packing and if I am in the right to go to Japan. Who am I?
On a lighter, everyday-kind-of-note, I have some visitors staying in my room over the weekend while I am gone on a trip to the city. This ment I had to REALLY clean my room, and realize again that I am a pack rat of paper, whether it be cards, magazine clippings, a string of words for a future song on a receipt, a lead sheet, the list goes on. As I relocated jotted notes, a multitude of hair accessories, and clothing I couldn't help look around my room and wonder what these visitors would deduct from my living space. What will they imagine me to be, just from my quilt clad bed and half covered walls? I hope good things. Also, I halfway hope they are as snoopy as I am, to redeem for my invasions of others.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
"she sees Russia from her backyard"
Either I have a huge Russian following on my blog, or my stat keeper thinks Alaskan's are Russian. I think that is funny.
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