Monday, October 31, 2011


We have so much snow! This is the only song that is perfect for the day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I was talking with a dear friend last week and she reminded me of my 17 year old self and the hopes to work at Mat-Su Regional Hospital. I had my life planned out. I would become a nurse, live in the valley, and hopefully have a happy Alaskan family that went on weekly adventures in the forest. It was a good plan, everyone who asked what I was doing would nod and talk about the great benefits of being a nurse. It was practical.
I had forgotten those dreams completely. When that is what I aspired to my world was so much smaller, my imagination and expectations were limited. Since letting God have my plans and falling free, I see that I was not made to live a cookie cutter life.
Sometimes I look at those goals and want them back because the uncertainty gets the best of me. I look at my siblings and friends and want their degrees, to be normal just for a couple years. But I would never trade in my travels, friends, experiences, or rough weeks, missing too many people to count, and feelings of "Where do I belong?" for a state side college degree and security.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I just found Birdy and I am in love! Super stoked for her full CD at the end of this month!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Oh my goodness...

This is my general statement about politics among the average public of America: Adults acting like children.
Now this is only one example so I am not really being fair, but growing up in the great land I have heard a lot of uneducated ranting and seen a lot of mud slinging.

Friday, October 21, 2011

"Golden Tree" by Martin Brooks from Ninian Doff on Vimeo.

A What?

I work at a cafe therefore I get to participate in classic American customer service. Basically by the end of the day I am a big cheese ball with all the "How's it going?", "Oh, sure that would be no problem!", and "Thanks so much!". My personal favorite is "Have a good one!", it is a super ambiguous saying, yet we all use it 100 times a day. I personally think we sound like old fisherman. Never the less I can't stop, because it is so stuck in my head!
So I am waiting anxiously for someone to ask me "A good what?" Then my stammering should cure me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

pet peeve

Can we just clear this up? Singer-songwriter is not a genre of music and neither is indie.
They describe the situation, not the sound.

blue ribbon.

I think these images are first rate. They are by Parker Fitzgerald, you can find him here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Good morning at 1am?

Lag means to fall behind in movement, progress, or development, so just add an airplane and time and you get jet lag.
I crossed the ocean blue 10 times zones yesterday and I don't feel as if I am lagging, I feel like I am running a different race.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

to be named.

I have always wondered what it would be like to choose a name for a child. It must be hard, thinking of some sounds to put together that will follow this bundle of joy for the rest of their life. When I went through my hippie stage I was convinced that Oceanna was the most beautiful name (okay, so I still like it) but now I am not so sure it would make it on my top ten for baby names. As a little girl I always wondered about my name, my parents really had no basis for liking the name Sadie. As I grew older I learned lots of people liked that name, however, they choose it not for their little human girl but for the dog and cat variety.
All this to say, I have to choose a name and it is hard.
Recently, while visiting Ålesund, Norway, I recorded a song in the studio. Just one song, but still it is enough basis to have a page on the internet dedicated to my music in hopes that someday one will turn into some. The name Sadie is already taken in the music world twice over so I had to get creative. I have a spread sheet full of my favorite things, various Norsk words, and other musings. When I liked this one I typed it nice a big, cause it has to look good too. This is my favorite so far, but the jury is still out.

What do you think?

Monday, October 3, 2011