Saturday, December 11, 2010

holiday buzz.

I live in a busy, busy place!
This week has been fantastic. Sue was an excellent teacher. Her teaching style + my learning style = perfect match! On Friday, we had Creative Friday (as we do on every Friday) it was pretty chill, I wrote a script!!! woot woot... I am not quite sure how to execute all the elements of it, a lot depends on my casting but write now, it looks all professional. Title page and near perfect formatting, it is a lovely thing to behold. I will be filming it in May, so I have a lot of time to mill over it and change things. It will be 4 to 6 minutes depending on how I edit it. My short film has a deliciously long name! ready to hear it?! (drum roll please!!)
Holding the Hand of Imagination
A Tribute to the Presumably Odd
Now you can imagine all the things that long title could mean! yeah!
Okay, but later on in the day of Friday, we had Norwegian porridge and flat bread with the sausage that may or may not have been horse... it was up to debate among the Norwegians and their was no packaging to check. haha.
After eating my foreign foods, I hoped in the van to go to the ART EXHIBITION!!!! Our lovely artist transformed their old church attic studio into a gallery. It was amazing, I took a bunch of film so maybe in a couple months after my break you will see some footage. :) I could probably but up stills too, and much sooner.
And today we deep cleaned the whole base from the proverbial head to toe. (Mom! does that sentence make sense??! I have no idea...) So yeah, I cleaned the kitchen with some others for somewhere around 4 hours. And tonight we have the CHRISTMAS PARTY! yeah! Everyone is dressing really fancy and we have good Christmas food, entertainment, and so on so forth.

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