My head is scattered with too many bits and pieces to formulate any good paragraphs and today I realized that the reason most people look at this blog is to figure out where in the world I am and I have only been post things from other creative people so here is ten things that are going on with me. (To my dear Ramsey Jo: I am not going to proof read this so don't judge me.)
1. Japan, Japan, Japan! I have been waiting for the last months for some paper work from my church, last Sunday night I had a meeting with the mission board and things sounded positive for them to be signed very soon! Then I will begin the support raising phase of my trip. Hopefully I will be flying over the ocean blue to Tokyo by the end of January. My goal is to get there before my birthday in February so I can still be a teenager, weird, I know, you would think I would want to spend it with my family but I have this weird thing about 20 being super old and not having accomplished enough to be 20... rant over. and
Number 2: It is now very very wintery in Alaska! We have enough snow the Cross Country Skiing trails to be ready, to snowmachine (snow mobile), and to sled. I have yet to do the later two, but skiing was quite enjoyable.
3. Being American I have a disadvantage of not knowing Celsius like the rest of the world, among other things, so I am trying to learn it. Today it was FRAAAAA-reezing! -7 F = -27.6 So now I have to plug in my car, Ingrid (I named it this before I lived in Norway and knew any Ingrids) , so it will start.
Four. I am currently struggling to be creative, my song writing has been different than usual. I think my melodies are getting better but my lyrics are struggling, I can write really great 1/2 songs. Does anybody want some half songs to play with and finish? Colabs???? seriously. Also since I recorded, I really really want to get in the studio again, however, I don't have one, so I dream of microphones and friends that know how to use them often.
#5 My current art form is embroidery. I just started today and these things don't normally last long with me but I am enjoying it right now!
6. I am trying to make little booklets with everything a supporter would want know about my trip and it is going terribly. I can't get them to look write and my writing is scattered and you can pretty much tell that I am ADD, so my sister (the really smart one) she is going to tear it appart when I am done and I will start again. Prayers please!
7. November is Movember for men and I wanted to have a theme month too! So November is Sadie better living month, except I started a few days late and hopefully it will last longer than a month... so basically the theme is a bust and I should come up with a different theme like wool sock month but anyways!!! it includes daily skiing/running/yoga pick one, more whole grains, less animal product foods, more cleaning, more reading, more creativity, ect.
8. I ordered Rosetta Stone.
9. I have been meaning to clean my hard drive for a month now so I can dabble in film again. procrastination.
10. My visit to Norway was good and I have been back for a while now. Extremely vague, I know, but I hate to write about old news but I like to talk about it so we can chat if you want to know. :)
Congrats if you made it to the end of this.
and I am super stoked my dear brother is coming home for Thanksgiving!!!!!!
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