Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This week we had 4 speakers from Sweden. They work and live at a famous ski resort their and run a community/church called Lighthouse. They are awesome. Three had gone to Bethel Church school where they learned about different ways of evangelism.
They live and breath with Jesus and are active in the prophetic and bring the kingdom of God to people right where they are. Where ever they go they try to love on people and talk to them about Jesus. I don't think I have met anybody so young who hears God so clearly. They shared with us tons of stories about bus rides when God highlights someone and they talk to them and pray for them. They prophesy and heal people on their shopping trips, so radical! I love it.
Today, we went out for an hour on a "treasure hunt", where you ask God to bring things to mind like location, a physical description, a name, random other stuff, and something to pray for. So awesome! Today, we went out and talk to and prayed for about 40 different people and some because they were on the paper and others just because...
My story of the day: I got a bunch of things on my paper but the most specific things that I was positive about was a bright blue down coat made by Bergans. We parked and then bam, there it is exactly the picture I got, so we talked to her and just shared what we were doing and talked with her a bit, she didn't believe in God and wanted no prayer but I hope God keeps putting her on peoples lists. :)
One more story, Andre' got a super specific list! He got a specific place in town, these stairs going down to the canal, a girl with brown hair, and the name Silia. He went there, found the brown hair girl, and asked her if her name happened to be Silia, yep! She didn't want to be prayed for but he just showed her the paper and told her she was on God's mind, she agreed that he was probably right.
I am learning so much about hearing God's voice and I love it.

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