Monday, January 24, 2011

That's not normal...

Here is a video that my lovely friends, Cher, Katie, and Alida made for the loneliness project.
They did such an amazing job. They are all so artistic in different ways and so their collaboration was super awesome to see. I spent a little time with them during the process and that was very fun to see the development.
Maybe you should watch it twice, one with your eyes closed because the sound track that Alida made is brilliant.
You can hear my little voice at the end... :)



  1. This is so lovely! And thought-provoking. I had a dream last night that I got to come visit you and meet all your Norway friends :)
    Love you.


  2. Awww. Kels!
    you would like them and I think they would be in love with you.
