In one of the meetings a speaker gave a word picture of some people or mission fields just seem like a smelly fish, but in that mess is a broken heart.
I liked that word picture so I got out my felt tips and made this. :)
Lately I have been craving deep conversation that really matters, I like to ask people what there dream is. It has lead to two really great conversations with two people I didn't know. Fabulous.
In an apologetics class I learned something really valuable that I have never ever heard in apologetics. Ask Questions. My warped view of apologetics has been a lot of dreaded arguments between Christians that don't listen and other religious people that don't listen. They are like kids with squirt guns, emptying there tanks on each other with there eyes closed. But this man, even though he knew all the right arguments wanted us to just ask people what they believe, make an open atmosphere. A question is an invitation. Statements are closed.
p.s. I really appreciate getting comments on here. :)
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